Breed Specific Legislation, or BSL as it is more commonly known, is a way for cities and towns to place either restrictions or full bans on a certain breed of dog. Most commonly these bans are of so called dangerous breeds or even “bully breeds.” Typically the restrictions include the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds just to name a few. Additionally, there are many mixed breeds that end up being encompassed within these bans, even if the genetic make up of the dog is unknown. The dog just needs to looks like a restricted breed. In enacting these restrictions, the temperament of individual dogs is not considered, only what breed the dog appears to be.
BSL has been around for many years, but there has been more publicity surrounding it in recent years. Many times in enacting BSL, the thought behind the laws was to reduce the number of dog attacks. However, there are many studies that show that placing bans on these breeds does not reduce the number of dog attacks. Any breed of dog can attack, not just the so called dangerous breeds. Additionally, the American Veterinary Medical Association has shown that no breed of dog is anymore dangerous than any other breed. Even recently, President Obama came out against BSL, stating “Breed Specific Legislation is a bad idea.”
So why are cities still enacting BSL laws? Just as recently as October 12, 2013, inDover, Arkansas a ban on pit bulls was approved. Residents that currently have pit bull breed dogs have 60 days to come into compliance with the law or the dog will be confiscated. Just as other cities are repealing BSL laws, other cities are still enacting them. It is any wonder how these bans are still being enacted, as the negative effects are widely known. These bans not only harm the innocent dogs that end up being confiscated because their owners don’t comply but they also take up valuable law enforcement resources when time is spent on compliance issues instead of real crimes. As increasingly more information is learned about the ineffectiveness of these bans in preventing dog attacks, it is to be hoped that there will come a time when these ineffectual BSL laws that are plaguing cities and towns will vanish.
The Dog Lawyer – Richard Bruce Rosenthal, Esq. National Authority On Animal And Dangerous Dog Law. Give us a call today (718) 261-0200